The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs’ (ECA) Leaders Lead On-Demand Program supports the U.S. Department of State’s ability to quickly respond to a range of emerging foreign policy priority areas through innovative, thematic two-way or multi-segmented exchange programs that are customized and goal-driven. The program is implemented by World Learning.
Leaders Lead Strategy
Cross-cultural, people-to-people exchanges create pathways to connect emerging leaders from the United States and around the world. The Leaders Lead On-Demand Program rapidly responds to current events and a range of U.S. foreign policy priorities through customized and creative thematic exchanges that empower participants to engage in professional development activities, build lasting relationships, promote global partnerships, and make sustainable impacts in their communities.
Responsive & adaptable program model
Opportunities for professional & leadership development
Alumni engagement & sustainable network growth
Program Goals
In addition to meeting emerging post-specific foreign policy goals, each Leaders Lead On-Demand Program supports the following broad goals:
To provide rapidly deployable 2-way exchanges for emerging U.S. foreign policy issues where existing public diplomacy resources are not immediately available or accessible.
To build professional and interpersonal relationships between emerging leaders in foreign countries and the United States that advance the interests and security of the American people.
To provide opportunities for foreign and American emerging leaders to collaborate and share ideas, approaches, and strategies regarding challenges to pressing issues.
To enhance professional and leadership skills for both foreign and American participants to effect positive change in their workplaces and communities.